Social Media For Bloggers
Engage a community of super fans who want to join you on your journey, buy your products, and become your clients! This course is perfect for anyone who is struggling to grow a bigger following online.

You'll learn how to:
- Choose the right platform and set up an account like the pros
- Generate a year's worth of content in just a few hours
- Know exactly what content will resonate with your community and spark organic growth
- Turn followers into clients and customers so you can grow your business
- Feel confident in growing your community, your impact, and your business.
Here's How To Grow An Amazing Community
My proven framework for growing any business on any platform!
One of the most frequent questions I get asked every week is "How can I grow an audience like yours?"
After years and years of trial and error, there are a few principles that together make a framework that can be used by anyone.
I've built a community of over 3.5 Million people on Facebook, over 400k on Pinterest, and over 300k on Instagram.
That's the first principle - build a community, not just a following or a certain number of fans.
Then, do more of what works and less of what doesn't. That means you have to start, then optimize.
In this course, I'll teach you the same process I've taught to hundreds of other successful entrepreneurs to help them grow their communities, which then leads to more customers and clients and sales and revenue.
Meet Your Instructor - Holly Homer
Founder of Quirky Mama & Kids Activity's Blog
Hi! I'm Holly, and about 15 years ago I stumbled into writing a blog, and have grown that into a huge online business. I've grown our Facebook page to over 3.5 Million fans, and have over 400k followers on Pinterest and 315k on Instagram. I've studied what worked for us, and have taught these principles to hundreds of other entrepreneuers just like you.
If you're ready to grow YOUR online community (and your business!) then enroll in the course today to get instant access.

With courses made by the creators you love and produced by Lightbulb Courses, you will get the guidance you need to learn and grow.

Gain the skills, confidence, and clarity you need to get back on track and realize your full creative potential.

With your creativity in full swing, you can get back to focusing on new outcomes and will feel ready to take action.
Welcome To The Course!
- Welcome!
- Intro To The Course
- Download Your Course Workbook
Creating An Online Presence
- Performing A Customer Audit
- Brainstorming Topics Intro
- Brainstorming Life Topics
- Brainstorming Business Topics
- Finding Questions
- Overcoming Objections
What To Post About - Generating Content Ideas
- The Grid Of 9
- Adding Content To A Calendar
- Why The Grid of 9
Mastering Growth On The Different Social Networks
- Start With One Social Network
- Mastering Facebook Part 1
- Mastering Facebook Part 2
- Mastering Instagram
- Mastering Pinterest
- Other Social Networks To Consider
- Mastering YouTube
- Grow One Platform At A Time
- Posting For Engagement
- Start Creating Sales From Social Media
How To Post On The Different Platforms
- How To Post On Facebook
- How To Post On Instagram
- How To Post On Pinterest
Next Steps
- Take Action!
- Conclusion & Next Steps